..BART airport station -GARAGE-G/BART-..
..BART-(with CLIPPER-CARD $10.50..
..How to ride BART..
..Muni-Passport-1day - $13..
..Muni-Passport-3days - $31..
..Muni-Passport-7days - $41..
..Buy at - SFMTA Powell and Market Public Transit Kiosk -
Powell St & Market St..
......28-BUS to GoldenGateBridge1......
......28-BUS to GoldenGateBridge2......
..SWAN OYSTER DEPOT at the WEST end of the California Street Cable car Route.......
..SWAN OYSTER DEPOT at 1517 Polk Street.......
......California Street Cable Car routeMAP......
......California Street Cable Car ......
......Swan Oyster Depot 1......
......Swan Oyster Depot 2......
......Swan Oyster Depot 3......
......Swan Oyster Depot 4......
.....Swan Oyster Depot 5......
..Oysters for $1 from 5-7pm Mon-Thur..
..SeesCandies-Sansome and Market..
.Frommer's Winchester....
....SanJose-bus-fare $2.50......
From San Francisco via CalTrain: Take CalTrain (3rd and King) to Santa Clara Station.
(4-zone day pass $21)
....Caltran fares chart......
Transfer to Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) Bus #60 Southbound.($2.50-one-way)
Bus stop is in front of Winchester Mystery House.
CalTrain: 1-800-660-4287, VTA: 1-408-321-2300
.....Canadian Consular Affairs.....